Susanna Says
Hi everybody, I am enjoying to the "nnttthh" degree my pierced ears. Being a 5'7 1/2" girl, I know that big earings are just, you should see my new collection of pierced-ears earrings! I just love it. Have met two de- lightful new TV's from Colorado: Debbie and Maureen....and as us- ual...long talking sessions that last until the wee hours...both de- lightful girls. Debbie is a bit more experienced and bolder than Maureen, so she unhes- itatingly DID the City of New York...went shopping, rode the subways...and had a marvelous time. Maureen has started at a slower pace but I think she is going to give us all quite a few sur- prises in the months to come...she's got the potential (oops, sorry, Sheila) and I have a feeling she'll make a very nice woman.
Maureen said something that stirred me into action...and for which I am thankful. It has to do with voice production. For the umpteenth time, like most TV's, we were bemoaning the fact that our voices just don't quite make it. The voice is usually the biggest obstacle for the girl-within has in facing the world. I have often thought about it-and as my friends know--I've done a little bit towards a softer, feminine sound...but it definitely is not enough.